Tag Archives for " Russia "
Dummy tried to collude with Russia and failed. You know how the GOPers will spin it, right? He failed, so it didn’t happen.
It’s like the doofus who attempts to slit his wrists and fails. Dull blade. Well, this guy is dull alright.
Donald Trump Jr. is said to have arranged the meeting with the Kremlin-linked lawyer during the campaign after he was told he would be provided with details about Hillary Clinton.
Flynn is going down in flames. Soon to follow: Dummy Trump.
Source: Russian hackers discussed Michael Flynn transfer of Clinton emails – Business Insider
Asked Tuesday whether he has seen a copy of the legislation, McCain said he has not.
“Nor have I met any American that has,” he added, according to Bloomberg.
“I’m sure the Russians have been able to hack in and gotten most of it.”
Source: McCain: No American has seen healthcare bill, but I’m sure Russia has | TheHill
President Trump tweeted the exact words “I am being investigated” last week.
Source: Trump is not under investigation even though he said so: lawyer – NY Daily News
He’s a useless tool.
Attorney General Jeff Sessions faced the Senate intelligence committee today to answer questions about Russian interference with the 2016 presidential election.