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April 26, 2017

Ron Paul: Syrian Gas Attack Was False Flag

Okay, so the United States gassed the Syrian people so Trump could feign outrage and then “bomb the hell out of them” to make it look like he and the Russians aren’t in cahoots, take attention away from the Russia investigations, AND make himself look tough to the pussies who support him.


Ron Paul has accused the British and US governments of staging a false flag chemical attack in Syria in an attempt to topple President Bashar al-Assad.

Source: Ron Paul: Syrian Gas Attack Was False Flag – Your News Wire

April 26, 2017

Mexico Worries That A New Border Wall Will Worsen Flooding : NPR

This is what happens when an idiot is President. He’s too stupid to know that there are multiple cascading effects from his “big beautiful wall.” #SMH

The 1970 Boundary Treaty requires that U.S. and Mexican officials on the International Boundary and Water Commission be in agreement before building structures that might affect the Rio Grande’s flow.

Source: Mexico Worries That A New Border Wall Will Worsen Flooding : NPR

April 26, 2017

Voter Fraud Is ALMOST Non-Existent

voter fraud
A North Carolina audit found that of the 4,769,640 votes cast in November, only 1 would probably have been tossed out as a fraudulent vote under the voter ID law the state passed in 2013. The law was struck down by a federal court, which found it clearly targeted black voters.

An independent audit finally shows how bad voter fraud is in North Carolina – and how much photo voter ID would do to prevent it.

Image & Source: Now we know how bad voter fraud is in North Carolina | Charlotte Observer