Tag Archives for " DHS "
U.S. Southern Command Commander Marine Corps Gen. John F. Kelly briefs the media on the latest developments in his command’s efforts to stem the flow of drugs from South and Central America in the Pentagon Press Briefing Room, March 13, 2014. DoD Photo by Glenn Fawcett (Released)
Source: Trump ousts Priebus, announces John Kelly as new chief of staff – LA Times
CNN has found evidence that Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke plagiarized portions of his master’s thesis at the Naval Postgraduate School. CNN found at least 47 examples of Clarke failing to properly attribute his sources, which could pose a barrier for his appointment to a position in the Department of Homeland Security. [CNN]
In all instances reviewed by CNN’s KFile, Clarke lifts language from sources and credits them with a footnote, but does not indicate with quotation marks that he is taking the words verbatim.
The same people who think that “ur” is a word and it doesn’t matter whether you spell it “they’re,” “there,” or “their,” will say this is just a minor technicality.
They love this grandstanding, made-up “hero” POS.
Source: Sheriff David Clarke plagiarized portions of his master’s thesis on homeland security – CNN.com
He also said he wanted to kill Democrats. Trump!!!
Sheriff David Clarke of Milwaukee County, Wis., said Wednesday he has accepted a job in the Department of Homeland Security.
Clarke told conservative radio host Vicki McKenna during an interview on 1130 WISN that he will leave his post as sheriff to serve as a deputy secretary of Homeland Security.
“I’m both honored and humbled to be appointed to this position by Secretary Kelly, working for the Trump administration,” he said during the radio show.
Source: Sheriff David Clarke says he’s accepted DHS job | TheHill