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Category Archives for "Economy"

May 9, 2017

Warren Buffett Says Google Has Some Aspects of a Natural Monopoly

The Oracle of Omaha admits mistakes. Maybe he should run for president.

In an interview with CNBC on Monday, Buffett explained why: Google’s search ad business is like a natural monopoly, meaning that the costs of building a company with a similar market share are large enough to fend off any serious takers. Google is poised to get approximately 78% of total US search ad revenues in 2017.

Source: Warren Buffett says Google has some aspects of a natural monopoly – Business Insider

April 28, 2017

Trump’s Tax Plan Could Turn ‘Everyone and Their Dog’ Into an LLC

Donald Trump tax plan

Looky here – Donald Trump has a tax plan

Do you want to turn your business into an LLC? Of course you do.

His proposal to slash the tax rate on partnerships and limited liability companies could set off a stampede of individual taxpayers trying to reclassify themselves as so-called pass-through businesses.

Source: Trump’s Tax Plan Could Turn ‘Everyone and Their Dog’ Into an LLC – Bloomberg

April 27, 2017

Ex-Treasury Sec Larry Summers just completely trashed the Trump tax plan

Surprise, surprise! Economists trash Trump “tax plan.”

Because it’s not a plan. It’s a laundry list of supply-side bullshit.

Summers said that had he been asked to present such a plan with the notion that it would pay for itself, he would have resigned.

Source: Ex-Treasury Sec Larry Summers just completely trashed the Trump tax plan